Infertility is physically, emotionally and socially draining for some couples. Changing attitude towards can make it bearable.
Talk about it: Journey through infertility is stressful, tougher if u fight it alone. Find someone to talk who will listen to you without getting tempted to advise.
Volunteer: Being there for someone distracts you from constant thoughts about problems and treatment you are undergoing.
Go outside: Nature always has a healing touch. Take a walk, go on a hike, get absorbed in the beauty of nature Be kind to yourself: Constant thinking negatively about self affects your emotions. Couples live through the pain of these imagined events again and again…. In the world where we are kind to others, why we should deprive our self with it?
Have faith in the process but expect setbacks: Sometimes treatment gives success in the first go, but there can be setbacks. Have Faith that you and your fertility consultant are doing all you can. Try not to look at setbacks as failures but as stepping stones towards success….. Remember…. Even miracles take time sometimes…..
Don’t try to analyze your treatment: It’s wise to ask and clarify your doubts with the doctor. But do not over think on every aspect of the treatment.
Nurture your relationship: Infertility can cause emotional stress on both partners. It is important to understand that a male partner is also equally affected facing this problem. Spending time together to have fun, going out together, focusing on each other without discussing fertility issue all the time can bring closeness. Couples having a strong relationship get through the treatment process better.
Don’t let others break you: Infertility is not just a medical disorder but it has a social aspect also. Don’t let society decide how you should feel…. Be true to yourself, stay away from negative people and their thoughts.
Write about it: Keeping a journal, writing a blog or joining a support group of people going through the same problem can help. Writing about your thoughts help to get a wider perspective on them, helps to understand your emotions about it.
Exercise: Small amount of regular exercises like walking, gym, swimming or yoga can improve your mood.
Meditation and mindfulness: These practices help to reduce stress.